Hello, I'm Bob Bumble Bee. I am a performance enhancing bug. I am the strongest and quickest in all my hive. I can orbit the globe on just 30g of honey.
Pretty impressive I say! Well it was our biggest secret until the humans found out about our amazing feats.
Bee pollen's ability to consistently and noticeably increase energy levels makes it a favourite substance among
many world class athletes and those interested in sustaining and enhancing quality performance.
Known as "Ambrosia" or Food of the Gods, our pollen has been used for centuries as a food source and to increase
energy and stamina. There are numerous legendary sporting victories directly attributed to our super foods. From
the ancient Greeks to today's modern athletes, bee pollen and Bee Power has been used as a secret weapon in improving performance.
Our bee pollen produces an accelerated rate of recovery. Many athletes have found that while taking bee pollen, the time of recovery
for the next event or training session is dramatically reduced. This has helped them have the edge on other athletes. Bee pollen
improves second and subsequent performances. It provides energy, stamina, and strength, and enhances performance levels.
I'm off to do another pollen run now. Bee back in a few days. Below you will find some amazing successes of athletes who have
credited bee pollen and other bee products to their superior
sporting feats.

Need more info, please beemail me
I'll have my bphone with me!! |
The Greatest Boxer Of All Time
Mohammed Ali attributed his winning boxing career to bee pollen, which helped him "Float like a butterfly and sting like a bee."
Nadia Comaneci- A Perfect 10
Romanian gymnast, Nadia Comaneci who constantly used bee pollen in her dominant career was the winner of 3 Olympic gold medals at the 1976 Summer Olympics,
and the first ever gymnast to be awarded a perfect score of 10, in an Olympic gymnastic event. She is also the winner of 2 gold medals at the 1980
summer Olympics.
The Invasion Of Finland
Prior to the 1972 Olympics, Finland failed to impress at the Olympics. |
1972 OLYMPICS - Lasse Viren of Finland won the 5,000 and 10,000-meter race.
1976 OLYMPICS - Lasse Viren of Finland again won the 5,000 and 10,000-meter race.
Lasse Viren stated that bee pollen was the cause of his superior athletic performance.
Antii Lananaki, coach of the Finnish track team that swept the Olympics in 1972, personally attributed the success of his athletes to bee pollen. He revealed, "Most of our athletes take bee pollen food supplements. Our studies show it significantly improves their performance. There have been no negative results since we have been supplying pollen to our athletes."
That’s until the Americans found out about the secret of their success. |
Fifty Percent Increase
The British Sports Council recorded increases in strength of as high as 40 to 50 percent in those taking bee pollen regularly. Pollen allows super-stars to increase their strength and stamina up to 25 percent. This increase in strength and endurance may be the key to the secret power of bee pollen. The beauty of bee pollen is that it's as natural as you can get. No chemicals. No steroids.
Athletes Food
Tom McNab, the British Olympic Track Coach, said, "Bee Pollen is the most effective, vitalizing food available to athletes today." Further athletic success stories come from the book, Bee pollen and Your Health, by Carlson Wade. Wade relates the story of British athletic team coach Tom McNab who tested the efficacy of honeybee pollen as a food supplement for his athletes. He took 5 athletes, and gave each 1-3 pollen tablets per day. Within a period of 12 months, the athletic performance of all 5 athletes had substantially improved.
The results were as follows:
1. A female hurdler, 28 years old, had the best time of 13.3 seconds for her run. After bee pollen, her time reduced to 12.9 seconds and she won the Commonwealth Games gold medal.
2. A male decathlete 18 years old gained 8 pounds of lean body mass within 4 weeks and experienced a substantial rise in weight training capacity.
3. A female hurdler, 25 years old, reduced her best time of 14.1 seconds to 13.6 seconds.
4. A javelin thrower, 23 years old, improved his best throw from 210 feet to 235-1/2 feet.
5. A male hurdler, 24 years old, improved his best time from 51.8 to 50.7 seconds.
According to Coach Tom McNab, the primary value of bee pollen is not just its direct effect on competitive performance, but also its enhancement of training levels. A rise in training level means more work can he done, more skills can he acquired, and more muscle
can develop.

The Olympic Genius
Bela Karolyi has coached 9 Olympic champions, 15 World champions, 16 European medalists, and 6 US national champions.
"I firmly believe Bee Pollen extract is the ultimate food supplement in sports nutrition. As a gymnastics coach, having had the honor to train Nadia Comaneci, Mary Lou Retton, Julianne McNamara and other world class gymnasts, I'm so impressed with this product that I recommend it for all gymnasts."

The Students
Coached by Bela Karolyi, In the 1984 Summer Olympics, Mary Lou Retton was the first female gymnast from outside Eastern Europe to win the Olympic
all-round title.
Julianne Lyn McNamara, born to Australian parents was the winner of the US women's first individual event gold medal in Olympic history

Surging Steve - The Shift
Steve Riddick, Gold medalist on the U.S. relay team in 1976 and once the fastest man in the world called bee pollen fantastic, and credited his increased recovery power after exertion to bee pollen. Steve claims that after just two months he felt an up surge in strength and endurance and speed.
"It gives me a lot more energy too. I used to take honey but this Bee Pollen is far better. "As if my body shifted into a more powerful gear.
Other sports stars who took bee pollen during their illustrious careers include:

NBA Hall of famers Bob McAdoo, Bill Walton, Curly Neal, Oscar Robertson

Nine time world power lifting champion Larry Pacifico who broke over 50 World Records regularly used bee pollen in his domination of his power lifting career.

Mr. USA bodybuilding champ, Gary Strydom
Only player to win two Heisman trophies – Archi Griffin

Renowned German naturalist Francis Huber was a great proponent of this miraculous food from the hive. Huber called bee pollen "the greatest body builder on Earth."

Rose Windale, a practitioner who has been successful with several natural programs for many years is an advocate of bee pollen.
Read her view on bee pollen.
I began taking Bee-Power last year and have become a huge fan. Taken daily - sometimes twice daily - I find it gives me that extra zip to help me through my hectic schedule. It's healthy, natural and
I love the taste. It's great for all ages too. My pro-soccer playing son, Morgan, finds it helps his stamina and endurance and my daughter Kelly
boosts her immune system daily with Bee-Power. Bee-Power is a real family affair with us!
Evonne Goolagon
Wimbeldon Champion

Three time winner of the Sydney City to Surf, Patrick Lusato and his fellow Tanzanian runners have been taking Bee-Power since 2003.
Patrick won the race in 2003, 2004, and 2005 and fellow team mate Dickson Marwa won the prestigious race in 2006 and 2007. A 5 year unbeaten span at the Sydney City to Surf.
June 2009 - Cherie Horne Climbs mountains with BeePower
Denali is a brutal mountain, spectacular and indescribable all in one.
Unfortunately, I didn't summit but I may not be alive if we had of continued. We had to turn back with less than 500m to go...the summit just above me! There is a fine line between life and death on mountains such as this and as the saying goes, 'no mountain is worth dying for.' I had a life-changing experience all the same, in fact I think I learned more about myself and mountaineering by not summiting! It is not the summit that counts it's the adventure and experience along the way that is important.
My large supply of BeePower products served me well, in fact I wish I had of had more! Thank you so much Frank....I will never climb without "BEEPOWER"! I am continuing to eat BeePower everyday and spreading the word to my friends, family and clients. I would love to be a distributer/ambassador for your company and would like to start immediately.
Drury wins Coolongatta Gold
HE had planned to be cheering from the sidelines but Rhys Drury's decision to come out of retirement for one last shot at a lifetime dream yesterday saw the veteran ironman set a race record in his upset win in the NIB Coolangatta Gold.
On a day when the big names were felled by two bolters, Drury's decision to attack a race his coach Michael King won 16 years ago delivered the biggest win of his career - and made him the oldest champion of the endurance event.
"I don't know whether to laugh, cry or scream," said the 30-year-old, who beat pre-race favourite Shannon Eckstein in the gruelling 46.65km race.
Drury won in 4hr 10min 58sec. Defending champion Zane Holmes finished 10th.
"For me to win this, for my name to go on the trophy, is something I'll remember for the rest of my life," Drury said.
Drury, who collected $20,000 for his effort, was enticed out of retirement after his wife Renae urged him to enter after watching Guy Leech, winner of the first two Golds back in 1984 and 1985, talking about the race on television.
"I finished up last year, I'd been doing it since I was 17 and we've just had a baby (Taya, six months ago). I sat down with my wife and coach in the off-season and decided to come back for one more.
"Since the birth of my child it has opened a whole new world for me and put everything into perspective. It has been fantastic for me, obviously."
While Drury grabbed one for the "old boys" of surf lifesaving and definitely one for Bee-Power!
June 2009 ~ World Record 805 punches in 1 minute = 13.4 punches per second!
Congratulations to Robert Ardito for smashing the Guinness World Record for "Most Punch Strike in One Minute".
Instructor Robert recorded an absolutely amazing 805 Wing Chun style short ranges punches in one minute at the International Wing Chun Academy at Sussex St Sydney on 18 March 2009.
This is now the third time Instructor Robert has broken this record. He first set a mark of 428 punches on Channel 7's "Guiness World Records" TV program in 2005. That record was broken soon later however following intense interest from many people that witnessed the original feat.
Determined to reclaim his record, Instructor Robert switched to a shorter range style which allowed for significantly more punches. On 18 March 2007, Instructor Robert set an amazing mark of 702, though he always knew he was capable of more.
In 2008, a world renowned martial artist in the USA broke the record by 11 punches setting a mark of 713. Again, Instructor Robert sought to reclaim his record and did so by breaking it again by 92 punches!
The above information does not constitute medical advice. It is based on the clinical and anecdotal experience of many people using bee pollen.